Presence. Perspective. Potential.

What if, like the moon, you are always whole, intact, complete—regardless of what phase of your life you are experiencing?

Some aspects of your true capacity may be in shadow, less evident at times, but what if curiosity, compassion and choice served as a your compass in creating a life you love?

I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Universal Life Minister with a guiding mission to honor and elicit the innate dignity and knowing that exists in all living beings. Through coaching, counseling, energy work and the support of nature and animals, particularly horses, if desired, I help you connect with your whole self, the wisdom of your body and your ability to choose and create a life you love.

May this, in turn, serve the overall good of the planet.


Coaching + Counseling

Your Authentic Life Coaching & Counseling services provide a safe space to know what you know, be who you truly are and create a life you love. Phone, online or in person.

The Equine Experience

Horses are genuine and present in a way that provides unique and profound experiential personal growth opportunities. Unmounted. No horse experience needed. Private or group options. (See calendar below for group event.)

Energy Work

Access Bars® and Access Body Processes offer you, your body and your brain a space to relax, receive, transmute, heal and make incredible, lasting changes. Fully clothed.

Learn more here.


Being with Horses: A Practice in Presence Events

Join us for this gentle contemplative practice where we’ll play with Being versus Doing in Nature and with Horses. Slow down and connect with your authentic self with these incredible beings. No experience needed, all unmounted. Pre-paid $60 (Includes facility fee and NM tax) RSVP required. No walk ins.

The Trinity Ranch, Eldorado/Lamy, New Mexico

Saturday, October 5 • 2–4 PM

Saturday, October 12 • 2–4 PM

Saturday, October 26 • 2–4 PM

LET’s stay connected!

Indicate your interests and location, but be sure to scroll down to see all selections and the submit button. (I am selective in the content and frequency of mailings.)


My interest in personal growth began at an early age. I was curious about what influenced and motivated humans, including myself. This led to undergraduate studies in psychology with a self-designed gender studies minor, yet I was also seeking something more than the traditional approach.

I chose a graduate program in Expressive Arts Therapy at Lesley University because I was intrigued by the larger perspective a third element in the therapeutic relationship fosters, e.g. the creative process, spirituality, other sentient beings such as horses, nature.

In addition to more traditional talk therapy, there is immense value in incorporating non-verbal, energy-based exploration with spoken, intellectual integration. I have extensive training including the body as a major source of information and wisdom as well as experiential “play” (e.g. using objects to externalize the conscious and unconscious processes one is exploring) which lends immediate “felt” perspective and insight.

As a Universal Life Minister, I also offer the supportive hands on energy work tools of Access Consciousness® including the Access Bars® for relaxing and rewiring the brain in addition to the Access Energetic Body Processes.


Undergraduate studies | Psychology, Gender Studies

Graduate studies | Expressive Arts Therapy

Trainings | Reiki II, Hakomi Method, 2 year Priestess Path Apprenticeship with Alisa Starkweather, Mindfulness Certification, Conscious Horse Conscious Rider®, Natural Lifemanship Trauma Informed Equine Guided Psychotherapy, The Tao of Equus, Equine Assisted Growth & Learning Association Level II (EAGALA), and Hacienda Tres Aquilas with The McCormicks among others

Licenses | Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)

Currently based in Santa Fe, New Mexico

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