Online Meditation for Harried Times

Space, Grace & Presence in Harried Times: The Sacred Slow Down Course

Are you longing to feeling deeply rested, deeply replenished?

To reset your precious nervous system?

Were you ever taught (shown) to slow down or even how to slow down?
Where is slowing down modeled and supported in our culture, if at all?
What is most nourishing, literally and figuratively, during this time?
How do we stay connected with self, Source and Other in times of challenge or crisis?

Through the practice of present moment awareness, breath, mindfulness, guided meditations and optional sharing we will following the body’s wisdom, take a moment to step out of Doing and drop into Being in this intentional group designed to help us reset our hearts and heads and choose next steps (or stillness) more consciously.

This subject is near and dear to my own heart and this is a program I designed to offer seasonally during the winter months of the northern hemisphere.

We will meet via Zoom (video is optional) twice monthly on the new and full moon approximately. Stay tuned for the Winter 2023—2024 program and email me if you are interested to get your name on the list.